
Vocal Warm Up Exercises

At the beginning of every class, we take part in various singing exercises to warm up the throat and to use our breath as a way of controlling how long we can hold a note. It is essential that we do these techniques to ensure that our vocal chords are well stretched and prepared to take on the challenging singing exercises that lay ahead.

These are a few examples of some of the exercises that we engage in:
-Breathing in for 4, holding for 4 and releasing for 8 through a ee or aaaa sound
-The balloon exercise; sucking in air like a balloon and releasing as long as you can. (This exercise is all about learning to control your breath)
-Be Banana exercise (singing different notes)
-Tongue twister exercises
-Scale singing
-Lip Trill

These exercises are fun and educational, and have helped me learn the importance of these warm ups. They have helped me how to use my voice to its best potential.

1 comment:

  1. Strengths
    -Tongue twister exercises
    -Warming up my face and throat properly
    -Knowing when my voice has reached it's best ability

    Areas for Improvement/Targets
    -Work on controlling my breath when I am trying to hold a longer note.
    -Practise these exercises regularly to ensure i can sing to my best ability
