
All That Jazz

Throughout the weeks, our class has been rehearsing the song, 'All that Jazz' from the musical 'Chicago.'
It has been a challenge for me because, it has helped me understand how to read music sheets: In this song there is a main singer and then back up vocals whose lyrics are also on the music sheet, so it is important that when we are reharsing we are concentrating to sing the song correctly and get the full effect.
The last part of the song is the most confusing because all the vocals are fused together singing different lyrics at the same time, and it's hard to sing and know what lines you are singing without being distracted from all the other vocals.

1 comment:

  1. To sing a song like this, I think you need to have a very bold voice. I think I am learning where the pitch and tone of my voice is. I'm not a very high pitched singer, neither am I low. I think my voice is best hear at a mid-range pitch, as this is my comfort voice and where I can belt out the tune the best.
    A weakness for me at the moment are the lyrics. I need to learn the lyrics so that i can sing the song to my best ability.
