- Costumes
- Scenery
- Choreography
- Character and attitude
We studied the video carefully at the costumes that Sharpay and Ryan wore. I was a representation of Sharpay and Paris of Ryan. We saw how flambouyant and over the top Sharpay's dress was, so we picked a colour scheme-green and decided to accesorise ourselves to look as crazy as our characters.
Although we knew we wouldn't have scenery for our audition, we thought about what kind of props we could use to enhance our performance: We liked the idea of using a ladder like Sharpay and ryan to signify reaching for the top. We also liked the idea of using hats as props, since Ryan loves them so much, we could have choreographed a routine with the hats, or have Ryan doing a solo.
We decided that we want the choreogrpahy to be very cheesy and relate to most of the words in the song, such as, 'slip and slide' etc. We used the choreography in the video as our inspiration and recylced it to interpret it in the way we felt about the song.
As I was going to be representing Sharpay, I had to study her role and how she comes across to all the other characters in the film. She is a very confident and big headed person who thinks a lot of herself, and this is how I had to act whilst performing the song. She likes to take centre stage all the time, and be the centre of attention. Her character is dominant throughout the film.
I think Paris and I have worked really well together, we bounce off each other and have co-operated to create our performance of this song.