
Character Profile

Name: Absolem

Age: Old/could be ageless

Costume: Blue/Mask

Main Character Trait: Wise, under the influence

Secondary Character Trait: Laid-back


Weight: Light

Colour of Hair: Green

Colour of Eyes: Red

"Posture, Walk:" Glides

Appearance: Has a powerful presence about him.- It effects everyone

Dress Distinctions: Patterns/ bright colours

Unusual and/or habitual gestures: Hand gestures/ slow, mysterious

Characteristic manner of speaking: Slow with speech, posh/proper

Voice: Deep

First impression on others: Surprising, fascinated

Relationship to Alice: Guider-Helps her with her problems


  1. This is my character profile which we completed in class. This exercise was given to us as a way of getting to know our character. These are the characteristics that I estimated about my character and now I will go away and do further research on the real Absolem, to find out how I can portray him successfully.

  2. Target/s:
    -Research about character

  3. As part of understanding of our other half, we did an exercise where we mirrored each other. My opposite was called Dr Carrol. Where I was wise, he was weird and unusual. This exercise was a good way of getting to know each other and being comfortable around each other for when we were to be working together.
