
Practising Lines

Over the weeks I have been practising my lines. I haven't got a lot of lines, and I am only in Scene 11 of Act 1. However, this makes it easier for me to deliver my lines with  clarity and confidence.

The only thing I am worried about is not getting the chance to perform my role in class, because we never get the chance to go through Scene 11. Hopefully we will have more time, because  I want to get the chance to play with my role and work with Alice to create the right atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. My lines are very simple, but it is the way that I deliver them that will have a big impact. It would have been nice to have more lines because I enjoy acting. As a dancer you have to take on a lot of different roles, that may not require you to say anything but requires a lot of different body language, so it is nice being able to actually talk and act.

    -Learning lines and delivering them

    -Not delivered lines in class or with other characters

    -Practise scene 11
